Save the tiger! Save the Grasslands! Save the Water!

Zoë Kleijwegt

WP 5: Long-term interactions between river dynamics, vegetation, groundwater, land-use and animals

My name is Zoë, and I am a PhD-candidate at the Soil Geography and Landscape group at Wageningen University and Research where I responsible for work package 5 of the Save the Tiger! project. I started in September 2022, after obtaining my BSc and MSc in Biological Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. During my previous study, I focused on paleoecological reconstruction and wildlife conservation, with a strong emphasis on human impact. I now get to combine all these subjects by reconstructing the past landscape dynamics in Bardia National Park and the Karnali river fan. I aim to identify the past changes in river dynamics, land use, vegetation and animals, and to understand how these factors together shaped the landscape as we see it today. Beyond that, understanding the past of the area can guide best practices for its protection and conservation.