Save the tiger! Save the Grasslands! Save the Water!

Work Package 1: Integrative water management approaches under conflicting views

This WP will develop a shared approach to achieve integrated water resources management (IWRM) in the TAL. Facilitating exchanges within the group of project researchers and between project researchers and stakeholders will allow discovering different ideas, knowledge domains and interpretations on the issues at stake.

In the other WPs, different spatial and temporal scales and rhythms of continuity and change in river dynamics, animal behavior, societal routines and many more are studied. All these processes will be explicitly linked in WP1. In a process of intensive co-designed activities (like workshops and joint measurement campaigns), project partners and stakeholders are invited to discuss current and future IWRM issues and options. Developing IWRM needs recognition of different interests and ideas on what are key issues. Discussions will be supported through an agent-based modelling approach, which allows exploring relationships between daily routines and human-environmental interactions and relate these to historical changes and issues of conflict resolution. Non-human actors, like tigers, deer, grass and water will be represented as well in these relationships. Together, this yields a co-creative, Living Lab framework approach that can be utilized to save the tigers and for similar projects elsewhere.

This Work Package is Lead by Maurits Ertsen, Water Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands